
Nov 01, 2022
Reading time: 4 min In the keto diet, we always hear that we must remove...
Oct 28, 2022
We often hear that sugar is the fuel of our body. So how can keto...
Sep 29, 2022
The basis of a keto diet, also called ketogenic, is the reduction of carbohydrates in one's eating habits. Carbohydrates being part of the nutrients providing energy to our body, we can al
Aug 25, 2022
For some, breakfast is essential to start their day. Here are five simple ideas for eating well in the morning on a ketogenic diet.
vrai ou faux
Aug 25, 2022
The ketogenic or keto diet is often the subject of criticism based on a number of preconceived ideas, without any scientific basis. Here are some of them.
Aug 15, 2022
Basal metabolism is a term that we hear very often when we are in a...