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Common misconceptions about keto


1. You can't live without carbohydrates.

a. The famous energy source

The general belief is that the body needs carbohydrates as an energy source , especially the brain and for athletic performance. This is absolutely false. The body can get all its energy from ketone bodies or ketones , and manufacture glucose via gluconeogenesis.

b. Fat: essential source of energy

Ketones are a type of chemical that the liver produces when it breaks down fat, and the body uses them for energy – during fasting, long periods of exercise, or when carbohydrates, and therefore glucose, are limited; so fat will be the primary energy source.

By limiting the amount of carbohydrates available to the body (keto diet), insulin will drop. Subsequently, fatty acids stored in body fat reserves will be released in large quantities and a large portion will be transported to the liver, where they will be oxidized and transformed into ketones; once this process is complete, ketones can provide energy to the body. Unlike fatty acids, ketone bodies can cross the blood-brain barrier and provide energy to the brain in the absence of glucose. Thus, the brain can fully function on ketones, and the areas that actually need glucose will be supplied through the process of gluconeogenesis, where the body will create sugar from protein on demand.

2. Carbohydrates are strictly forbidden in keto

Another myth surrounding the ketogenic diet is to believe that all sources of carbohydrates are eliminated. This is not true at all: the ketogenic diet consists of reducing carbohydrates , not eliminating them completely. Moreover, the 50 grams of carbohydrates per day (the maximum to be in ketosis without sports activity) allows a wide choice of vegetables, to incorporate certain fruits (notably red fruits), oilseeds, dark chocolate, keto-compatible flours, and even wine! The ketogenic diet should not be confused with the zero-carb or carnivore diet. The keto allows you to incorporate carbohydrates in a reasonable quantity to stay in ketosis while enjoying certain fruits, vegetables, and dried fruits.

3. Keto is bad for your health

There is no solid evidence to support this claim. The most common reason for discrediting the ketogenic diet is that it is high in fat, and much of that fat is saturated fat . The general belief is that this type of fat is dangerous.

However, scientific research has shown no significant link between saturated fat consumption and mortality from cardiovascular disease or any other cause.

In fact, researchers have found that high-carb diets increase the risk of death. On the contrary, keto has been associated with several health benefits : weight loss , mental clarity, improved mood, better athletic performance, quality sleep, building muscle mass, lower triglycerides, increased HDL, lower insulin, stable blood sugar .

4. You have to stuff yourself with fat

The idea that the ketogenic diet is all about eggs and bacon is an absurd generalization. As noted earlier, a keto diet allows for a healthy choice of vegetables, nuts, some fruits, and other sources of carbohydrates, such as dark chocolate, dairy, etc.

When following a ketogenic diet, fat consumption is very high (between 65% and 75% of daily calories), but that doesn't mean it's the only macronutrient you consume. In fact, sufficient protein consumption is essential for preserving muscle mass, metabolism, and basic body functions. Proteins are extremely satiating, which naturally leads to calorie reduction and weight loss. Fats, also essential for health, should be used as satiating foods : they should be consumed to avoid being hungry, but you shouldn't force yourself to eat huge quantities if you don't feel like it.

5. The Ketone Race

Unfortunately, there is a common misconception about ketones: the higher the number the meter displays, the greater the weight loss.

This is not true at all: concentrations above 3 mmol are interesting for therapeutic effects, but not for weight loss. Indeed, the reader does not distinguish between fat reserves or dietary fat, because ketones can be created either by burning one or by burning the other. This implies that if you drink a fatty coffee and measure your ketones afterwards, the number will surely be quite high, but it is not body fat that you are burning; it is dietary fat. Also, those who have been on a ketogenic diet for a long time become more efficient fat burners: the number of monocarboxylic acid transporters increases. These transporters facilitate the absorption of ketone bodies into the tissues; thus, ketones in the blood decrease.

6. Keto is a bland diet for weight loss

The ketogenic diet was not originally created as a weight loss diet. In fact, this low-carb diet emerged in the 1920s as an alternative to fasting to treat epilepsy, especially refractory epilepsy in children, with spectacular results. Weight loss is a consequence of carbohydrate restriction, consumption of raw and quality foods, elimination of inflammatory factors, and increased metabolism.


The ketogenic diet is controversial. However, the vast majority of arguments used to discredit this diet have no scientific basis and are based on preconceived ideas and generalizations stemming from these prejudices. Contrary to what is advocated by keto detractors, this diet is rich in nutrients , has a large number of health benefits , is not limited to one type of food and is sustainable in the long term.

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