Three Keto Dishes to Convince My Loved Ones

Jan 06, 2023admin

The practice of a ketogenic diet can be the subject of judgments from those around us who can sometimes wrongly consider it as a restrictive diet.

So here are three delicious recipes to show them that keto is not limited to eating eggs and bacon and that a varied and delicious diet is possible while limiting carbohydrate consumption. :)

Adapting a classic: pizza!

A pizza, by definition, is a dish rich in carbohydrates.

Should we therefore deprive ourselves of it in a ketogenic diet? Of course not.

As with many recipes, all it takes is a little adaptation and creativity to be able to eat delicious dishes while preserving your health.

The ingredients:

  • 170 grs. grated mozzarella
  • 30 grs. Philadelphia cheese
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 tsp coarse salt or pink salt
  • 80 grs. of almond flour

The Recipe:

To prepare the dough:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C (fan-assisted) or 220°C (conventional).
  2. Mix the shredded mozzarella with the Philadelphia cheese in a bowl, then microwave on high for one minute. Mix well before returning to the microwave for 30 seconds until the cheese mixture is smooth and melted.
  3. Add the egg and mix well into the mixture.
  4. Add the almond flour and salt.
  5. Work until you obtain a dough then form a ball.
  6. Roll out the dough in a baking dish (ideally the thickness is 0.5 cm, no more than 1 cm maximum) after having coated your hands and/or the rolling pin with olive oil so that the dough does not stick. Another option is to put baking paper on top before rolling.
  7. Prick the dough with a fork and bake for 10 minutes until golden brown.

As for the filling, the choice is yours! On a base of sugar-free tomato sauce you can add mushrooms, cooked chicken, pepperoni, ham, four cheeses, etc.,

A touch of grated cheese on top and you're done!

Bake for about five minutes until the cheese is melted and it's ready to eat.

Little tip, finish with a drizzle of olive oil and it's delicious :)

DELICES LOW CARB TIP : In the shop, you will find amazing ready-made pizza doughs or even pizza dough preparations to which you just need to add water! Discover them right here :)

For the aperitif: fried mozzarella sticks

A staple of American appetizers, mozzarella sticks are totally adaptable to the ketogenic diet, rich in lipids and proteins. Accompany them with a sugar-free barbecue sauce and I assure you that they will be victims of their success!

The ingredients

  • 450 g of mozzarella or hard cheddar (not fresh), in sticks about 2 cm thick (about 15 to 20)
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 30 ml. thick crème fraîche (30 ml)
  • 16 grs. of deodorized coconut flour
  • 90 grs. of dry pork rind powder (put the rinds in the blender until you have a powder) (if you don't eat, use whey protein )
  • A pinch of pink salt
  • A pinch of pepper
  • A pinch of paprika (strong for more pep!)
  • 240 ml deodorized coconut oil

The recipe:

  1. Mix eggs, cream and spices in a bowl.
  2. In another container, mix the rind powder or whey with the paprika.
  3. Place the coconut flour on a plate and flour the cheese sticks.
  4. Dip the sticks in the egg mixture, then in the rind powder.
  5. Repeat the operation. Be careful, the soaking in the egg must be brief to avoid excessive absorption.
  6. Carefully arrange the mozzarella sticks in a dish and place in the freezer for at least an hour.
  7. Heat the oil in a sauté pan or deep fryer.
  8. Once the oil is hot, dip the sticks and fry on each side, about three minutes, until golden and crispy. Dry on paper towels and enjoy!

A must-try: chocolate mousse

Who, when they think of dessert, doesn't think of a delicious chocolate mousse?

Here is the best recipe for sugar-free chocolate mousse :

The ingredients:

  • 200 grams of sugar-free chocolate pastilles sweetened with stevia (Torras) or erythritol (Délices Low Carb)
  • 100 grams of unsalted butter
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 6 eggs separated
  • 1/3 tsp fine salt

The recipe:

  1. Melt the chocolate and butter in a bain-marie (or in the microwave in several batches). Leave to cool a little.
  2. Meanwhile, beat the egg whites with 1/3 teaspoon of salt until stiff.
  3. Mix the chocolate with the egg yolks and a pinch of salt.
  4. Once the preparation is ready, "sacrifice" some of the whites, in other words, mix roughly with the chocolate.
  5. When they are well incorporated, add the rest of the egg whites delicately, with a silicone spatula, making circular movements until you obtain a well-aerated mousse.
  6. Serve the mousse in pretty glasses or verrines and leave them to rest in the fridge for at least 3 hours.
  7. Decorate with a mint leaf or red fruits, pistachio slivers, or grated sugar-free white chocolate.

Conclusion :

Following a ketogenic diet doesn't have to mean frustration or restrictions.

It's mostly about sharing good, tasty and healthy recipes with your loved ones. Here's an example with these three recipes that no one would suspect of being keto. Enjoy your meal!

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