Keto Mojito Recipe - Ready in 5 Minutes!

Jun 21, 2022admin

Ah, the mojito! It's THE traditional cocktail par excellence. The one that makes us think of vacations, the sun, a pleasant time spent with friends at home, in a bar or at a restaurant. The summer cocktail par excellence!

But here it is, one of the key ingredients of our dear national mojito is brown sugar... If you are starting the keto diet , it is clearly one of the drinks that you have directly ejected from your diet. Adios!

But not so fast! Here we offer you a keto mojito recipe that has nothing to envy to the traditional recipe.

The star of this keto recipe, the one that does most of the work, is our Golden Caramel in a pocket-sized Baby version! It's a blend of Stevia, erythritol & natural caramel flavor, a sweetener in a sugar-free roux version!

It comes in a resealable bag with a 80 g cap that can easily be slipped into your handbag or the 250 g version which can also be used in keto pastries and other keto friendly sweet desserts.

At a restaurant or bar, all you have to do is ask for a sugar-free mojito, pull out your bag of sukrin gold and that's it!

At home, you can follow this keto mojito recipe and enjoy a sugar-free cocktail that will delight keto and non-keto alike!

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