Why is allulose banned?

Jan 24, 2023admin

Allulose is a sweetener that has become popular in recent years as part of a ketogenic or sugar-free diet. Widely used in some countries such as the United States, to date, it is not authorized for sale in Europe and we explain why.

What is this ?

Allulose is a type of sugar found naturally in small amounts in some fruits such as jackfruit, figs and raisins. Its sweetening power is about 70% higher than table sugar and its taste and texture are unmistakable.

Allulose has a different structure than other sugars, so it is not metabolized in the same way as fructose, for example. As a result, when it is consumed, no blood sugar spike is observed and the teeth are protected against the appearance of cavities.

This is what gives it its popularity and its status as a preferred substitute for sugar in many low-calorie or sugar-free products.

Why ban it?

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (1) has not yet authorised the marketing of this new product in Europe.

Each product designed with this sweetener must undergo strict tests by the European Commission, which will validate or not its marketing. This protocol can last several years.

The consumption of allulose is not banned in Europe, however its use as a food additive (2) is not authorised.

The health risks have not yet been assessed by EFSA in the context of daily consumption or use as a food additive.

Before a food additive is authorised for use in the European Union, a safety assessment procedure must be rigorously followed, including the assessment of potential risks to human health and the environment, as well as a review of safety and efficacy.

To date, the use of allulose in food products is not authorised in the European Union and it cannot be sold on EU markets as a food ingredient.

The European Commission and EFSA are responsible for ensuring consumer safety regarding food additives and the use of this new sweetener will only be possible if it is deemed safe for consumption. Until allulose has undergone this assessment procedure, and is authorised by the EU, it cannot be sold as a food ingredient in the EU.

In the United States

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (3) , the body that authorizes the marketing of food and drugs in the United States, has validated the use of allulose recognized as a safe ingredient for consumption (GRAS, generally recognized as safe). Its use in food products is therefore approved in the United States.

Is it dangerous?

The lack of authorisation for the marketing of allulose in the EU does not necessarily mean that it is dangerous for health. However, the safety related to the consumption of this product has not yet been certified by EFSA and the European Commission.

In conclusion

Allulose is widely used in the United States, particularly for making Keto recipes.

Although of natural origin, this sweetener must be certified as compliant with food safety standards before being marketed in Europe.

Several American products, potentially sold in France or Europe, may contain allulose. Theoretically, their consumption is not dangerous, although the EFSA has not yet given its approval.

1 https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en

2 https://www.efsa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/wgs/nutrition/ndanovelfood.pdf

3 https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/guidance-industry-declaration-allulose-and-calories-allulose-nutrition-and-supplement-facts-labels

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Comments (2)

  • Une anomalie de plus
    L allulose est interdite en France,mais pas la vente des produits américains vendus en France
    Cherchez l erreur

  • Une anomalie de plus
    L allulose est interdite en France,mais pas la vente des produits américains vendus en France
    Cherchez l erreur


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