I'm not losing weight anymore on keto, why?

Dec 14, 2022admin

If you're following a ketogenic diet with the goal of losing weight , getting stuck can be very frustrating, especially when you've seen significant weight loss during your first time on keto.

The reasons

There are many reasons why you might get stuck on a ketogenic diet. There are several tips that can help you jumpstart your weight loss. What’s important to understand is that every weight loss journey is individual and what works for one person may not work for another.


Even if we think that we do not consume excess carbohydrates, they are unfortunately everywhere, hence the interest in learning to read food labels, since, as you know, many carbohydrates are hidden: in cold cuts, prepared meals. Also, some foods such as mussels, oysters, dried fruits, contain them even if we do not think so. It is therefore necessary to pay attention to your carbohydrate count, because often we do not realize that we consume more than we think.

The cracks

If the binges happen regularly, the body is unable to keto-adapt, hence the stagnation. The ideal is to have keto-compatible comfort food products – pizza, bread, sweets, etc. low in carbohydrates – on hand so as not to crack on foods very rich in carbohydrates. A keto binge is much better than a binge full of sugar.

Lack of protein

Protein is the essential macronutrient for the body, and the one that provides the most satiety, in addition to having a thermogenic effect. Thus, too low a protein consumption can lead to permanent snacking or overconsumption of carbohydrates or lipids because the body is not satisfied.

Too much exogenous fat

A good example is fatty coffee: even if it is an excellent tool to boost ketones, it remains exogenous fat : the body will burn it first, before attacking its own fat reserves. Keto is not a lipid fair. These are there to give us essential nutrients and provide satiety, but if we consume them in excess, the body will not be able to access its fat reserves.

Too much dried fruit

Dried fruits are, in general, keto compatible. The problem is that it is very easy to consume too much of them. Result: too many carbohydrates, too many lipids, too many proteins!

Dairy products

Some people are sensitive to lactose, which can lead to stagnation, so a test by removing dairy and seeing the effect on weight loss is useful.

Excessive sport

Too much exercise can stall weight loss. Stress from intense and excessive exercise can negatively affect the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, eventually causing conditions such as hypothyroidism. Intensive and prolonged cardio increases cortisol, which causes resistance to leptin, the hormone that regulates appetite and weight.

Lack of sleep and stress

One factor that is not considered enough when talking about weight loss is sleep, as well as stress. Poor quality sleep and stress lead to cortisol surges that prevent weight loss.


While there are keto-friendly alcohols, such as dry wines or spirits, too much of it will slow down weight loss . Alcohol cannot be stored like carbohydrates or fats, so it slows down the metabolism of other types of calories until it is broken down. In ketosis, alcohol stops the metabolism of fats so it can be metabolized. Even if the alcohols we consume are not rich in carbohydrates, they will provide energy that the body must burn, since it cannot store them, and will therefore temporarily stop the ketosis process.


When we stagnate, we tend to despair and some people may want to return to low-calorie diets. The feeling of triumph at the beginning disappears and the anxiety returns when looking at the scale.

Forget the scale

First, the scale is unreliable. Weight can fluctuate for a number of reasons – water retention, stress, menstruation, lack of sleep, etc. –. Measuring yourself or having a reference garment is more useful and relevant. The stress of the scale is not beneficial.


Exercising depletes glycogen stores while promoting ketosis. HIIT (high intensity interval training) is effective in helping with weight loss and reshaping the body. Since the ketogenic diet preserves muscle mass, this type of exercise does not cause muscle loss, provided that you get the right amount of protein.


Intermittent or prolonged fasting helps to empty glycogen stores efficiently and therefore, burn fat as an energy source. Also, it helps to control blood glucose, reduce insulin resistance and lower triglycerides; short fasts boost basal metabolism , thus allowing for greater weight loss, thanks to an increase in norepinephrine.

Recalculate your macros

If you count macros, you need to recalculate them every 10 kilos to be sure you are not eating too much (calorie needs decrease with weight loss). It is especially important to consider that the more fat you lose, the more muscle you gain, and the body will therefore need more protein. If these are lacking, the body will stagnate.


There are several factors that can cause weight loss to stall on a ketogenic diet. Addressing the ones listed above is a starting point for restarting keto weight loss . However, if the stalling continues or the weight increases, you should consult a doctor, as an underlying condition may be the cause of the stalling.

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