Keto Heart of Palm Puree Recipe Low Carb Delights!
For 2 servings
Preparation time: 5 min
Cooking time: 10 min
Ingredients :
1 sachet of Palmini palm heart puree
2 slices smoked bacon
2 tablespoons grated Emmental cheese
20 cl of low carb liquid whole crème fraîche
1 pinch of ground nutmeg
Salt and pepper
1. Heat the packet of Palmini puree (ready-made palm heart puree from the Palmini brand!) over low heat in a saucepan for 5 minutes.
2. Add 20 cl of Normandy Elle et Vire whole liquid cream (or other cream with a very low carbohydrate content)
3. Brown the slices of smoked bacon in a non-stick frying pan. The bacon is ready when it starts to get a nice crispy consistency.
4. Serve the puree on a plate, add salt and pepper. Add a pinch of ground nutmeg. Stir.
5. Then sprinkle the mash with pieces of crispy bacon and chives.
A treat and it's ready in 15 minutes,
Enjoy your food !
Low Carb Delights
Valerie & Cyril
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