Foods without carbohydrates

Jun 20, 2022admin

Foods without carbohydrates

As part of a ketogenic or keto diet, the carbohydrates consumed per day will be limited and will come in particular from vegetables and fruits with a low carbohydrate content . The vast majority of foods contain carbohydrates , even if they are sometimes in negligible quantities. However, there are foods with zero carbohydrates that are perfect for this type of diet. Here is a list of what you can eat in keto without adding carbohydrates to your daily life. Be careful, however: we are talking here about raw products and without added sugars . You should always pay attention to labels , because many products that are not supposed to contain sugar contain it in order to increase their taste.


The beef

Beef is suitable for a ketogenic diet . Ideally, you should try to take pasture-raised meat , to avoid the antibiotics present in farmed meats and also because their bioavailability , that is to say, the number of nutrients that we will absorb, is greater. [1] .


Poultry also has a non-existent carbohydrate count. As with beef , free-range, organic or red label poultry have more health benefits . White meat, especially cuts with little or no fat – such as chicken breast , for example – help build muscle and have a significant thermogenic effect, meaning they activate the metabolism, because the body burns a significant percentage of their calories to be able to metabolize them. [2] .

The lamb

Like the previous meats, lamb does not have a carbohydrate intake. Its consumption is less common than that of other meats , but taking it regularly is not only a delicious alternative to other meats, but also provides a lot of vitamin B12 [3] , essential for forming red blood cells , among other things.

The pig

A must-have for grilling, pork and pork products are an excellent source of protein and good lipids . However, you have to be very careful with industrial derivatives , because they often contain sugar.

Other meats

Veal, venison , duck , and most organ meats (except liver ) do not contain carbohydrates . Cold cuts and sausages should not have any, but – as explained above – you should read the labels to be sure the product is clean.

Fish and seafood

Fish are rich in protein and do not contain carbohydrates . However, Some seafood and shellfish contain traces of carbohydrates [4] : oysters , shrimp , crab , mussels , lobster, among other shellfish, can increase the carbohydrate count.

Fish that contain zero carbohydrates include salmon , tilapia, tuna , trout , cod , sea bass, haddock , skate , pollock , julienne , and generally any white fish. Fish are a very important source of protein ; oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel , and tuna are also a source of omega 3. [5] .


Lipids have zero carbohydrates , which makes it very easy to incorporate them into a ketogenic diet. But be careful, keto does not mean fat fair . You have to incorporate lipids wisely into your diet and not abuse them . If we are going to eat much more than in a so-called traditional diet, we must also not exceed our (individual) daily threshold.

Fats to consume on a zero-carb ketogenic diet include butter, ghee (clarified butter), olive oil, coconut oil , MCT oil, powder or cream , bacon , duck fat or lard.


Drinks that have zero carbs are, unsurprisingly, water, sparkling water, tea, coffee, spirits and sugar-free sodas . Be careful, these are often sweetened with artificial sweeteners , so even if there are no carbs , they can raise blood sugar . Herbal teas are normally zero carb , but be careful with fruit ones, as they may have added sugars to give them more flavor.

Other foods without carbohydrates

Salt , pepper , vinegar , sugar-free chili sauces, siracha sauce, and sweeteners such as stevia or erythritol do not contain carbohydrates .

In conclusion

There are several alternatives when eating keto or ketogenic to reduce your daily carbohydrate count . All of the foods listed above are excellent sources of protein and/or good fats.






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