Ideas, menus and snacks for a successful ketogenic diet!

Oct 28, 2022admin

Based on the removal of sugars and all forms of carbohydrates from your diet, the ketogenic diet is mainly known for its positive effects on weight loss. Indeed, the principle of this diet is to remove carbohydrates from your body so that it uses fat as fuel. Your body therefore ends up burning your fat mass, which inevitably leads to weight loss. But for this to work, it is important to follow the recommendations of your keto expert to the letter.

In this article you will find the main foods authorized for a ketogenic diet as well as many ideas for carbohydrate-free dishes.

Keto Diet Basics

Before you start creating your ketogenic menus, it is important to know what foods you can eat and what foods to exclude from your diet;

Find below the list of the main essential foods and those to take out of the cupboards.

Must-have foods for a keto diet:

  • Vegetable oils : walnut, olive, avocado, coconut oils)
  • MCT (or TCM) oils
  • Butter
  • Duck fat, lard
  • Ghee
  • Fat coffee (or "bullet proof coffee)
  • Bone broths
  • Oilseeds: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts , Brazil nuts, etc.
  • Meats, cold cuts, foie gras
  • Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines etc.)
  • Low-carb green vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, spinach, asparagus, endives, salad, green beans, leeks, etc.)
  • Eggs
  • Cheese, whole cream
  • Fruits: red fruits (strawberry, blackberry, redcurrant, raspberry, cranberry, blackcurrant), star fruit, rhubarb, citrus fruits (lemons)
  • Konjac
  • Heart of Palm Pasta
  • Dark chocolate 70% cocoa minimum or sweetened
  • Sugar-free plant milks (coconut, almond, soy)
  • Flours (soy, almond, lupin, coconut, flax, sesame etc.)
  • Powders (almond, hazelnut, grated coconut)
  • Whey
  • Erythritol / Stevia
  • Blond psyllium

Foods to avoid from your ketogenic diet:

  • Wheat pasta
  • Breads, cereals and pastries
  • Rice, semolina, quinoa, buckwheat
  • Potatoes, sweet potato
  • Most fruits (except red fruits)
  • Biscuits and pastries
  • Candy except sugar free candy
  • Sugary drinks and sodas
  • Ready meals
  • High Carb Cookies
  • Chocolate with less than 85% cocoa, jam, honey

Furthermore, by browsing our site, you will see that alternatives exist.

Find keto friendly pasta, breads and spreads in our online store

A typical week on a ketogenic diet

The key to a successful ketogenic diet is organization . Indeed, preparing your meals in advance saves time and energy! And, above all, it will help you with your shopping and prevent you from making beginner's mistakes and caving in to anything!

To help you, find below an example of a typical ketogenic week. Feel free to take inspiration from it or even reproduce it for your first week.

Also find other inspirations for ketogenic breakfasts in another article entitled:"Five ideas for keto breakfasts"









Unsweetened coffee or tea

(with or without stevia or erythritol)

1 handful of oilseeds (4 or 5 max for weight loss goals)

+ 1 square of dark chocolate with more than 85% cocoa

Unsweetened coffee or tea (with or without stevia or erythritol)

2 eggs + 1 slice of white ham

Unsweetened coffee or tea (with or without stevia or erythritol)

1 keto pancake

+ keto spread

Unsweetened coffee or tea (with or without stevia or erythritol)

Yogurt +

1 handful of oilseeds (4 or 5 for weight loss purposes)

Unsweetened coffee or tea (with or without stevia or erythritol)  

Keto Pancake + Peanut Butter

Unsweetened coffee or tea (with or without stevia or erythritol)

2 scrambled eggs + 1 piece of cheese

Unsweetened coffee or tea (with or without stevia or erythritol)

1 slice of keto bread (mashed avocado, smoked salmon)


Green salad with extra virgin olive oil

Cauliflower gratin

Cottage cheese or Greek yogurt, plain or with erythritol brown (Sukrin gold)

Fish and spinach gratin

Green salad

Cottage cheese with a dash of keto maple syrup or gold syrup

Salmon tartare with lemon and sesame

1/2 Lawyer

Plain Greek Yogurt

Mixed salad (young shoots, Parma ham, hard-boiled egg)

Creamy Chicken Curry

1 Keto Madeleine

Green salad, diced ham, cucumber, nuts, herbs and yogurt sauce

Keto Chocolate Cream

Konjac noodles with spinach & salmon +

Minced steak with cream

Plain yogurt + 4 to 5 red fruits

Green salad, radishes and steamed broccoli

Grilled chicken fillet and mushrooms

Cheese (1 serving)


Creamy Squash Soup with Basil

Turkey dice

White cheese with sukrin gold

Mushroom Omelette

Green salad

Lemon cream (recipe from the book: "My keto recipes for the whole family" )

Keto Parmesan Rice (with heart of palm or konjac rice) + spices of your choice

Grilled Chicken with Whole Cream Chicken Spices

Cottage cheese or Greek yogurt

Beef carpaccio with vegetable oil, lemon and parmesan

Green salad

Plain yogurt with red fruits (4 or 5 strawberries or raspberries)

Ground steak

Cucumber and cream cheese salad + chives

Keto raspberry/lemon verrine

Lemon Seafood Salad

Lacto-fermented vegetables

Handful of oilseeds (4 or 5)

Meat skewer

Cauliflower Tabbouleh

1 or 2 squares of 85% chocolate

Of course, this ketogenic meal plan is not exhaustive and can be adapted to your tastes. The only thing to respect is not to include “forbidden” ingredients. To avoid this, do not hesitate to include “ketogenic diet specialized” products. This will make your life easier and will allow you to have a keto option in case of unforeseen circumstances.

In the category: " Specialized bookstore ", you can find a wide selection of keto recipe books and advice for starting the ketogenic diet.

Hello Keto ” is a keto bible full of recipes, advice, tips that can help you get started with a good solid foundation.

My keto recipes for the whole family ” is a book of recipes tested and approved by an entire family, from the oldest to the youngest!

" My Keto Journal " by Magali Walkowicz, a dietician-nutritionist and expert in the ketogenic diet, is a real personalized food diary that will guide you day after day for 3 months. A real companion guide that allows you to go through the steps one after the other until you reach your goal.

" The Keto Diet from A to Z " is an effective primer to know everything at a glance about the ketogenic diet"

Etc !

1 week of ketogenic snacks

To complete your meals, you can also draw inspiration from a wide selection of snacks compatible with the ketogenic diet.

Find below 7 examples of keto snacks to complete your week

1. A keto ben's cookie ( recipe here )

2. A fat-burning tea by Eric Favre

3. Keto muffins

4. A hard-boiled egg

5. Handfuls of oilseeds

6. 1 square of 85% cocoa chocolate

7. Keto Peanut Butter Bread

Don't hesitate to prepare healthy and keto snacks to wait for dinner in the evening with complete peace of mind. On our store, you will find 100% keto snacks already ready if necessary (puffed cheese, keto bars, dried meat, etc.)

Snacks are also very interesting for athletes. Thanks to this, they can control their energy intake according to their physical activity.

Find the 6 steps to get your keto diet off to a good start

  1. To learn more about how a keto diet works and its effects on the body, read our article on the subject here.
  2. Learn about what foods are allowed, what foods are not, and what foods are not recommended for weight loss goals.
  3. Identify foods that you like and make a reference list that you can use when in doubt.
  4. Anticipating your meals, organization and preparation are the key words (batch cooking, prep' meals)
  5. Use specialized preparations in ketogenic diet
  6. Finally, treat yourself!

Changing all of these habits can sometimes be complicated at first. To succeed in this change, you must first of all inform yourself. Know what you can and cannot eat, and then adapt it according to your tastes.

You will then get a list of ingredients that you like with which you can create your meals. At first, the easiest thing is to make keto recipes from reference books and to buy keto products in a specialized store to avoid binges and going off the beaten track. This way, you can limit changes in your habits while being certain of the quality of your food.

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