Five tips to overcome sugar cravings

Jan 24, 2023admin

Cutting out sugar from your diet can be a difficult but rewarding challenge.

Here are some tips to help you get started with peace of mind:

How to eliminate sugar?

For some, eliminating sugar and sugary products from our diet may seem impossible.

Although the challenge is considerable, banning sugar from your daily life is largely feasible thanks to the implementation of certain strategies and strength of will.

Once sugar cravings are under control, then implementing the ketogenic diet will happen naturally.

The tips


Read nutrition labels carefully: sugar is often an essential component of processed foods. The first step is to identify products that contain added sugars and, unconsciously, maintain the sugar addiction. You should also pay attention to the names of the ingredients because they are important, such as corn syrup with high fructose, dextrose or glucose.


Reduce or eliminate sugary drinks: sodas, energy drinks, sweetened teas and coffees. Ideally, it is best to replace these drinks with water. If the frustration is too great, then unsweetened tea or drinks sweetened with stevia or erythritol are good alternatives.


Use natural sweeteners: To replace table sugar, you can use natural sweeteners with a low glycemic impact such as stevia (often powdered stevia is mixed with dextrose or maltodextrin, so pay attention to the label), Erythritol and xylitol are two less processed alternatives and contain fewer calories.

Artificial sweeteners should be avoided. Most increase blood sugar, stimulating feelings of hunger, which creates a desire to eat even though the body does not need food. They also disrupt the gut flora, which can lead to glucose intolerance and other metabolic diseases, and even disrupt brain neurochemistry.


If you're feeling frustrated when you're new to the keto diet and can't seem to give up sugary snacks, find healthier alternatives like nut mixes, sugar-free protein bars, sugar-free granola, sugar-free spreads, beef jerky, etc.


Seek professional help: If you're having trouble sticking to a sugar-free diet, you may want to seek help from a dietitian or healthcare professional to help you set goals, develop a plan, and track your progress.

Keeping a journal or using an app to monitor your sugar intake and progress over time can go a long way in helping you stay on track and motivated!


Exercise: Exercise helps reduce cravings and improves mood, making it easier to resist sugary temptations.

In conclusion

Giving up sugar is not an easy task and there is no quick fix.

However, the above tips have proven to be effective for a large number of people. Remember the importance of changing your lifestyle gradually and above all, be patient with yourself. It may take some time to adapt to a diet without added sugars. Share your goal of reducing sugar intake with your friends and family so that they can give you their support.

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