Generous, low-carb keto bars
Practical to take to the gym or to work, delicious and with a low glycemic index, ketogenic or low-GI bars will delight you with their gourmet flavors. Their hearty format comes at the end of small hunger at any time of the day.
Why consume a keto bar as a snack?
The classic snacks of the large distribution do not have good press. Too rich in sugars and trans fatty acids, they unbalance the diet and disrupt the feeling of satiety.
On the contrary, keto protein bars accumulate benefits, especially for certain audiences:
they help maintain muscle mass for athletes;
they help balance blood sugar levels in diabetics;
they come in a convenient on-the-go format;
they help pursue a low-sugar diet;
they bring pleasure without guilt.
Nutritional Benefits and Tastes of Ketogenic Bars
Choosing a low-carbohydrate snack helps avoid hyperglycemia, a spike in blood sugar that leads to low blood sugar. Keto bars provide fiber to calm hunger and improve transit. They also provide protein, which is essential for building muscle.
Whether you're on a sugar-free diet or just paying attention to your diet, you'll be surprised by the variety of great-tasting bars. The use of natural ingredients like coconut, cocoa, peanuts and vanilla help bring authentic flavor.
On the texture side, ketogenic products compete with each other. Shredded coconut, walnut slivers add crunch. Coconut oil and cocoa butter improve the melting and creaminess. Enough to conquer the palate of the most demanding foodies!
Keep your figure with keto bars
Eating a chocolate bar while dieting is possible? Yes, because a box of ketogenic bars provides fewer carbs on average than a single conventional bar! If you're controlling your saturated acid and carbohydrate intake with the goal of losing or maintaining weight, low carb snacks will help you stay on track without frustration.
A cookie protein bar for snacking, a keto brownie bar after working out, a low GI dark chocolate bar as a dessert: choose the product you like to fit your day.
Are you on a gluten-free diet? You can perfectly reconcile a gluten-free diet with a ketogenic diet.
In fact, Délices Low Carb also offers gluten-free and low-carb bars.
Saturated fatty acids: the interest of low GI bars
In the ketogenic diet, but also in the diabetic's diet, carbohydrate intake is very carefully monitored. The energy necessary for the functioning of the body can then be found in saturated acid fats such as coconut oil. This is one of the natural ingredients in the bars that help keep energy levels up without impacting blood sugar.